TOT SPOT LOGO small.jpg

Birth to Preschool

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Preschool - 5th Grade


6th - 12th Grade


Sunday Services

The Tot Spot nursery is available during the entire service for infants through age three.  Because we believe children learn from being a part of our music worship services, The Discovery Zone (Pre K - 5th) and Impact (6th - 9th) begin at the end of Praise and Worship. Our volunteers are experienced teachers who provide interactive lessons and worship experiences tailored to a child's developmental stages.  Our High School students are encouraged to participate in Sunday service ministries throughout the church on a rotational basis.

Wednesday Nights

Pre K - 5th grade Bible class and Impact Youth 6th - 12th grade meet each Wednesday at 7:00 pm at the church.  

Nursery is provided for siblings attending Bible class or Youth Group.